Read Aloud

Read Aloud!
In Read Aloud, students explore storytelling, developing a love for reading. They dive into diverse books, follow characters, and engage in discussions, deepening their literary connection. This journey enhances comprehension, creativity, and fosters a lifelong appreciation for literature.
Student to teacher ratio
Min. 8 and Max. 20 students
Session duration
45-90 mins
Adjusted based on school requirements
1-2 times per week
This fun after-school library reading hour introduces children to the magic of storytelling through picture books and simple texts. Students will follow engaging characters, plotlines, and dialogue while exploring pop-up books that add color and tension to the stories. The friendly, happy environment fosters a love for reading for pleasure. The course also builds essential skills, including reading strategies with recall, confidence, and enhancement, making writing more meaningful. Join us this semester to help your child develop a lifelong love of reading, enhance language skills, and immerse in the wonders of storytelling.
What happens in the class
Before each session, instructors introduce the week’s theme to spark curiosity about the upcoming story and encourage students to explore diverse themes and stories. Following the reading, students will engage in thoughtful discussions to share their insights, identify key characters, and express their preferences. These discussions facilitate a deeper understanding of character development and storytelling techniques while enhancing language and communication skills. Witness your child’s growth as they cultivate a genuine love for reading, participate in enriching discussions, and explore the fascinating world of storytelling through dynamic and engaging activities.
Student outcomes
Cultivate a lifelong passion for literature, inspiring a deep love for reading and storytelling
Improve language and communication skills with lively discussions & creative storytelling activities
Master character development and plot construction to enrich imagination and enhance critical thinking